Since 2005, we have capitalized a wide experience
Thanks to our multidisciplinary team, we propose technical and economic solutions adapted to the needs for our customers.
Majors companies in the hydraulic environment already trust us for several years.
BATHYS provides qualified technicians and engineers with complementary skills
Quickly mobilizable throughout France, everywhere in Europe or in the world.
The reactivity and the availability are part of our strengths.
Ultra-mobile bathymetric boats adapted to all the situations
Bathys owns various ultra-mobile bathymetric boats adapted to all the situations and a radio guided boat for hazardous or difficult to access plans of water.
We deploy a complete hydrographic equipment compound of mono and multibeams echosounders, sonar and other acoustic technologies, to which is added topography precision equipment, inertial and motion units and other peripherals.
All our equipment is easily adaptable and quickly mobilizable in France as abroad, on every type of boat and in any circumstances (galleries, polluted ponds)
Bathys realizes every year on more than 100 projects, which represents more than 260 days of survey.
To answer all your aquatic environment project issues, we act in complementary with a reliable partner’s network and specially selected.